Learning & Development

Our setting plans to provide the children attending with opportunities that will support and promote their overall development in a safe, stimulating and caring atmosphere, created by appropriately trained, knowledgeable staff with the involvement of all families within our community who are interested in and support our aims.

We take care to provide activities which use equipment appropriate to the age and stage of development of the children attending our setting which will stimulate their interest and encourage investigation as well as enabling the children to practice existing skills and to build on those skills to acquire new ones.

We are aware of the importance of reflecting all members of society not just those who attend our setting but also the local community and society in general in a positive way, we ensure that activities, equipment and displays provide a balanced view and also allows children to show their own individual creativity without pressure to have an adult directed “perfect” end product.

All children need to experience a balance of adult led and freely chosen or child initiated activities and experiences tailored to their stage of development and taking account of their individual needs. We undertake sensitive observational assessment in order to plan to meet our children’s needs.

The activities and experiences planned for the children cover the seven Areas of Learning and Development described below.


Children are encouraged to be self confident and form relationships with other children and adults. Daily routines and activities individually and in small groups promotes skills of sharing, caring and helping each other. Every child is encouraged to participate in role play, exploring a range of feelings. Every child will be encouraged to concentrate and persevere on individual tasks and to ask for help when needed.


Children will have the opportunities to practice and master skills of balance, movement, running, jumping and climbing. They will be closely supervised to ensure safety while encouraged to test their own abilities with challenging activities which are fun.

Children will also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity and making healthy choices in relation to food.


The playgroup provides a strong approach to the development of linguistic skills. Stories, songs, rhymes and music are all part of our daily routine. All staff make time to listen and talk to children individually and in groups. Children will be given many opportunities to talk about their experiences and to listen to others, they will be encouraged to express their own ideas and in ways which can be understood.


Books and materials for writing will always be readily available to children for looking at, to listen to, read stories and to recognise how printed words and pictures can convey meaning, children are encouraged to begin to write, and children will be helped to understand the purpose of writing as well as linking sounds and letters.


Children will have the opportunities provided by many different activities to match, sort, sequence, count and order everyday objects which form the basis of an understanding of    mathematics. Through this knowledge they will be able to solve problems. They will hear examples of the language of mathematics, identify objects by shape, size, number etc. Simple rhymes will help them to learn number sequence.


Our setting plans to provide the children attending with opportunities that will support and promote their overall development in a safe, stimulating and caring atmosphere, created by appropriately trained, knowledgeable staff with the involvement of all families within our community who are interested in and support our aims.


Activities for creative play including paint, crayons, pencils, stencils and gluing are available each day. Modelling with natural and man made materials linked with activities and displays. Children will be provided with opportunities to respond to music, dance and recognisable artistic works, they will have opportunities for role-play individually and with others as well as design and technology.

We recognise quality learning is...

  • When children feel secure and happy in the learning environment.
  • Where children are clearly enjoying and showing interest in the experiences.
  • When progress in children’s development can be seen and described.
  • Where children are engaged in first hand experiences involving exploration, experimentation and risk taking.
  • Where children are given opportunities to practice, consolidate and extend their previous learning and experiences.
  • When positive attitudes and habits of learning are being established.
  • When children are given opportunities for spontaneous interaction and for learning from each other.
  • Where children are involved in practical activity, inquiring and purposeful play.